Stone Coated Steel Roofing vs Asphalt Shingle Roofs

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Stone Coated Steel Roofing vs Asphalt Shingle Roofs

One question we get asked a lot is what type of roofing provides the best value for the cost. Without a doubt, our answer is always Stone Coated Steel! With thousands of roofs going on every year, every single employee who has installed a roof on their personal home installs stone coated steel. Not only does it hold up best over time, but looking at the numbers, over time stone coated will actually save a homeowner money. Let’s take a closer look at stone coated steel roofing vs asphalt shingle roofs price comparison.

Stone Coated Steel Roofing vs Asphalt Shingle Roofs: Price Comparison

To work out the difference we are going to need some assumptions. The first one is that we are going to use an average roof size of 3000 square feet which, in the Intermountain West this is close to average size. We are also assuming 3% inflation each year on all costs including energy, insurance premiums, and materials. The last few costs would be a monthly energy bill of $200 and an average yearly insurance premium of $1,400. The final one is an average home value of $300,000.

Let’s start with an asphalt roof. The cost of an asphalt roof varies widely however the average cost is between $3.75-$5.00/ Square foot. For this example we will use $4.50. The average asphalt roof lasts 18-20 years in our climate, so to get 50 years one homeowner would need to purchase 3 roofs. With inflation the numbers are as follows:

Today’s Roof: $13,500
18 years: $22,982
36 Years: $39,126
Total cost of roofing for 50 years is $75,608

Now onto the stone coated roof. Using the same home size and target lifespan of 50 years, a homeowner will need 1 roof to make it that long. Stone coated roofing averages $8.50-$11.00 per square foot based on style and install. For an average we will use $9.25.

The same roof today costs $27,750 or roughly double the cost of asphalt. However, on a 50 year lifespan the homeowner is saving $47,858. While these are significant, these are not the only savings with a stone coated roof.

Energy Savings

Assuming $200 per month for energy with 3% inflation over 50 years a homeowners energy bill would be $151,862. Many stone coated customers report anywhere from 15-30% energy savings due to the efficiencies of the roofing system. To be conservative we are going to use a 10% savings which automatically saves us $15,186 in spend over the lifetime of the roof.

Homeowner’s Insurance Premiums

The next savings is on homeowner’s insurance premiums. With the average national premium being $1,400 over 50 years with inflation a customer is paying roughly $92,644. Due to the class 4 impact rating of these shingles and the class A fireproof rating most insurance carriers offer between a 15-30% discount. To be conservative, we will use 15% which over 50 years would save another $13,896.

Stone Coated Steel Roofing vs Asphalt Shingle Roofs: Increase in Home Value

The last increase in value comes from the jump in home value. Replacing a shingle roof with a more architecturally beautiful roof has significant effects with appraisers adding anywhere from 5-10% of an increase to home value for this type of roofing. Assuming an average home cost of $300,000 even a 5% jump would add $15,000 in value.

So with these additional savings where does the total comparison really fall? Let’s take a look below:

Asphalt Costs

Stone Coated Steel

Todays cost 




18 years


Energy Savings


36 years


Insurance Savings


Savings from home value increase


Total ownership cost 50 yrs


Total ownernship cost  50 yrs


These savings are SIGNIFICANT! It becomes easy to see why we believe for the money Stone Coated Steel is the best price to value there is in roofing! Contact us to learn more or get a quote.

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